Our Schools

Working closely with local communities


RET has worked in close partnership with parents, communities, and diocesan authorities to set up secondary schools. These schools are inclusive comprehensives with high academic standards, serving their locality and working as part of their local family of schools. Both RET, and the founding groups with whom we work, were firmly resolved that our schools would all be judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted within two years of opening.  This has been the case with all five schools inspected. For more information about our schools please follow the links to their websites.

  • Bristol Free School was opened in 2011. It was established by RET in partnership with Parents’ Voice, a local campaigning group.
  • Since opening, Bristol's students have made progress in the top 25% of schools nationally. The school's English Baccalaureate success, and English and maths C+ grades are consistently significantly above national average.
  • The sixth form is very popular and successful; students achieve very good results allowing them to progress to the widest range of universities and degrees.
  • Bristol was judged good in all categories in its Ofsted Inspection that took place in March 2022.
  • The school is heavily oversubscribed and at the request of its Local Authority increased its admissions number.
  • The Headteacher is Su King and the Chair of Governors is Anne-Marie Boyle.
  • Becket Keys was established by RET in 2012 in partnership with local primary head teachers and the Diocese of Chelmsford. The school is heavily oversubscribed and opened its Sixth Form in state-of-the-art new facilities and celebrated its first set of A Levels in 2019. 
  • The sixth form is very popular and successful both with its own students and those who join from other schools. Becket Keys Sixth Formers achieve excellent results and progress to a wide range of universities and degrees.
  • Becket Keys received its first Ofsted inspection in May 2014 and was judged to be outstanding overall and in all four inspection categories.
  • The Headteacher is Andy Scott-Evans and the Chair of Governors is Iain Gunn
  • King’s opened as an ecumenical Christian school, established by RET in 2013 in partnership with local parents. The school is now formally a Church of England school and has close ties to the Diocese of Chichester and Church of England primary schools in Brighton and Hove.
  • King's was judged good with outstanding categories by Ofsted in March 2022. 
  • The Headteacher is Sarah Price and the Chair of Governors is Ali Davis.
  • St. Andrew's was established by RET in 2013 in partnership with the Classical Education Trust and the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. It is the first Greek Orthodox secondary school to be established in the UK.
  • St Andrew was judged as good in all categories in its Ofsted inspection of November 2018. In April 2024 Ofsted confirmed that the school remained good and commented very favourably on the ethos and attitudes of students as well as the educational provision.
  • After 12 years in temporary accommodation the school will move into its new building in September 2025.
  • The Headteacher is Philip Hills and the Chair of Governors is Mary Karaolis.
  • Turing House established by RET in September 2015 in partnership with local parents.  It is an inclusive comprehensive school, with a broad and balanced curriculum, specialising in science, engineering and music. Turing House has established a reputation for academic excellence, with such speed, that it is very heavily oversubscribed.
  • Turing House received its first Ofsted inspection in May 2018 and was judged to be good with outstanding leadership and management, and outstanding behaviour.
  • In October 2023, Ofsted confirmed that the school remained good and that it might be judged Outstanding in a graded inspection.
  • The Headteacher is Martin O'Sullivan and the Chair of Governors is Sarah Dietz.