Russell Education Trust (RET) is a partnership of five secondary schools and is sponsored by
EL (RET) Community Interest Company.
Performance 2023
Performance 2022
Progress 8: 0.45
Entering EBacc: 47%
EBacc points: 5.07
EBacc 5+: 30%
EBacc 4+: 39%
5+ in English & maths GCSEs: 65%
Progress 8: 0.32
Entering EBacc: 48%
EBacc points: 5.01
EBacc 5+: 32%
EBacc 4+: 39%
"Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is engaging
for pupils, and that it promotes diversity. Teachers have strong subject knowledge, know their pupils
well, and use this knowledge to help them learn. Pupils behave well. There is rarely any disruption to
learning." Ofsted 2022
"The headteacher’s inspired leadership has quickly established a vibrant, orderly community
which enables students to thrive. He ensures that a family atmosphere is fostered across the school
in which all students feel cared for, and valued. " Ofsted 2014
"Pupils are confident, articulate and aspiring. They are proud to be
part of the school community. The school’s provision for their education and welfare makes a
significant contribution to their lives. The Christian ethos ensures that pupils are kind to one
another and look after each other well. The school values of love, forgiveness, respect and
responsibility permeate the school environment.” Ofsted 2022
“Pupils here are happy members of this school community and said that it feels like ‘a family’.
They interact warmly with staff, who speak to pupils with care and respect. Pupils are safe and
confident in knowing who to approach if they need to talk, and that they will receive help.”
Ofsted 2024
“The school’s vision of a ‘safe, happy and learning community’ is entirely realised. This is
because the school is inclusive, placing pupils right at the heart of its work. The school strives
for academic excellence alongside developing the whole individual. Pupils feel safe, and their
attendance is high.” Ofsted 2024
Elmlea Infant School "Pupils flourish at Elmlea Infant School. They achieve extremely well.
Pupils fully understand how the school’s values help them to be kind, respectful and eager to learn.
Parents and carers speak highly about the school’s community feel and the care and attention that
staff show towards pupils." Ofsted 2023
Elmlea Junior School "This is an outstanding school with many excellent features. Pupils
achieve extremely well because consistently good and often outstanding teaching gives them a real
thirst for knowledge."